Thursday, November 13, 2008


The Tasty Crayon Crew and I had our expo last night.
Everything went off without a hitch.
It was awesome to kick back with everyone and sink a few jars.

I'm going to miss the pain of Monday Mornings.
I'm going to miss the evil MAC computers.
I'm going to miss the stomach wrenching chicken wraps.
But most of all I'll miss HALO!!!

The question is should I post the full movie on this blog??

My email is if you would like to contact me.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hello and almost goodbye

Friday 5:00pm Sharp.
That's it.
Its all finished.
WOW. . . that kind of felt good.

God Box is complete.

At this very point in time I'm burning the first DVD.

Tomorrow ill print off a few DVD covers and hopefully send off the poster for printing.

Things are good.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Organisation will show now. Since I started God Box I have accumulated 59 gig of files. Keeping everything in its designated place and naming files is an easy to understand format.

Trying to maintain this type of working order is relatively easy. There are some applications which decide to try and organise you after a save or render. If you move these files then reopen the application it cracks the shits and you end up spending 15mins setting up file paths.


Anyway. . . 5.4 days left.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Computer Love Continued

So in the end I had to use a different video format for After Effects because the stubborn app decided it didn't want to work with the format I'v been using since the start of time.
I must admit I do get rather angry at Ae.
I recall giving Adobe a bad rap on this very blog.


In class today I came across some humerus ERROR'S.
Alex who is the creator of "Nerdy Nigel And The Last Action Figure" (on the right hand side you will find a link to his blog) had a good old fashioned chuckle.
While I almost cried.

This blog has turned from a happy working diary into a shit-canning old bitch-athon.

I chose 2D to get around such things as rendering and loading bars. It seems in this day and age it does not matter what digital project you are taking on, you will always walk leaning forward with a blind fold on into a wall made of steal with sandpaper stuck to its surface and nails protruding form it.

Almost over the wall. . .

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Computer Love

Finlay got all the FX in place.

Now, Export to After Effects.

Import to After Effects.


What the hell??

Ok, Ill open an existing After Effects file.


Urge to kill raising. . .

Repair Ae.


Back to Premier, Export video in a different format.

Rendering. . .

To Be continued . . .

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Command + P

Almost there.
Friday week is submission.
My main issue is printing.

Printing check list-
Colour Testing. (Colour)
Mog Final Turnaround. (Mint Colour)
Flog Final Turnaround. (Mint Colour)
Final Audio brief.
Final Design brief.
Animation brief for Daniel.
Animation brief for Alex.
Time line.
Scene Check list.
Scene Planner.
After Effects Planner.

This check list is still open. . .

Must fort files into a clean and "User Friendly" manner. excuse the pun.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Comet Chaos

After Fridays bitch D3D-MAN gave me a buzz.
Just to finish off my shitty Friday with more poo.
The comet that too two and a half days to render is all messed up.
Fantastic. . .
I should have gotten onto it straight away.

Fine tuning and fix ups.
Far Cry 2.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Where's My God Box?

Before you continue ask your self if you can be bothered reading a hole lot of complaining.
Right now I wish I had a god like box.
Every time I tick something off the list another thing replaces it.
Today for the first time I found myself with my head in my hands, rubbing the sides of my temple gently.
Normally I can turn Work mode and School mode on and off like a light switch. Both exist in there own little would. Today "School" had found a spoon and has been making a tunnel into "Work".
Overflow is the result.
Tonight I'm going to turn the compute off, not hibernate, OFF.

Here's a screen capture of the opening scene.
D3D-MAN setup the comet.
Nice work D3D-MAN.

Here's some 2D animation i'v done for D3D-MAN.
It needs a complete Makeover.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Almost There

Its all coming together.
By Friday I will have finished all I can do.
This week has been brain straining.
I'v pulled hair out and I'v sat back for the first time and watched it all come together.
There's a lot a lessons I have learnt along the way. One of them is make sure you have POWER!

People say it doesn't matter how good your tools are, its what you do with them. I believe this is only half true. These people do not factor in a little thing called time.

Tomorrows duties -
1. Render and review
2. Fix up and fine tune
3. User Friendly
4. Work

Sunday, October 19, 2008